Thursday, 17 January 2008


Here is my old faithful Jag, used as daily transport. I had an S type before reverting to the XJ. I quite like the shape of the S type but was dissapointed by the cramped cabin and the fact that the pram would not fit in the boot so I chopped it for an Alfa 156 (2.5 litre v6 variant) which means that I have passed the Clarkson test!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

New workshop

Having got fed up trying to squeeze down the side of the GT6 in the garage I have bitten the bullet and erected a new 20 by12 workshop, I have now got the Vit chassis under cover and work is progressing.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

The bulldog spirit

Here is the GT6, she is nearly finished but has been put on the 'backburner' as I am putting my efforts into the Vit project.

Now, where did I leave those spanners?

The blue lady

Here are some pictures of my Herald, and of my helpful assistant mechanic Henry (aged 2 and a half).

Just as soon as I can reach those pedals!!

The begining

This is where I intend to keep a diary with photos of my Classic car exploits.

My Current classics are:
  1. The blue Lady. A 1971 Herald 13/60 that Francesca uses as her daily driver
  2. Pretty in pink. A 1971 Vitesse convertible currently subject of a complete rebuild
  3. The bulldog spirit. A 1972 GT6 Mk3 That needs paint and the interior and chrome refitting
  4. Auntie.A 1993 XJ6 3.2 sport, My daily driver.